Hurwitz Sagarin Slossberg & Knuff LLC | ​Daniel Sorger Elevated to Full Member of the Guilford Conservation Commission
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​Daniel Sorger Elevated to Full Member of the Guilford Conservation Commission

The Town of Guilford Board of Selectmen has appointed town resident and HSSK attorney Daniel Sorger to the position of full member of the Conservation Commission, effective until February 28, 2028. Dan served as an alternate member of the commission for one year.
The Conservation Commission is charged with the development, conservation, supervision, and regulation of natural resources, including water resources, within the territorial limits of Guilford. As a member of the commission, Dan has voting privileges and will provide guidance on the legal implications of conservation-related legislation. He will also help to lead the Earth Day Subcommittee, which is charged with honoring the environmental legacy of Earth Day and engaging the community in response to the climate crisis and other environmental issues.